Impact investing is an investment strategy that aims to generate financial returns and positive social and environmental impacts. This dual-purpose approach integrates financial objectives with the desire to address pressing global challenges. Unlike traditional investing, which primarily focuses on maximising financial gains, impact investing seeks to achieve a triple bottom line: profit, people, and the planet. 

What is Impact Investing?

Impact investing is when investors pursue strategies that create positive environmental or social benefits and strong investment returns.

“[Impact investing] provides a way for investors to be more proactive with their investment dollars and partner together to make purposeful investments that can contribute to affecting real change across the globe,” says David Spika, president and CIO at GuideStone Capital Management.

It’s important to note that an impact investment is not an act of charity. Impact investors are always hoping to turn a solid profit and even beat the market. It’s just that they have additional goals that transcend the pursuit of maximum returns on investment.

How It Differs from Traditional Investing

  • Purpose: Traditional investing focuses solely on financial returns. Impact investing, however, aims to create positive change in society and the environment while also generating financial returns.
  • Metrics: Impact investors use specific metrics to measure the social and environmental outcomes of their investments, such as the number of jobs created, carbon emissions reduced, or lives improved.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Impact investors often engage more deeply with stakeholders, including communities and employees, to ensure that their investments are making a meaningful difference.

Why is Impact Investing Growing in Popularity?

Impact investing is gaining traction due to several factors:

  • Rising Awareness: Investors, especially millennials and Gen Z, are increasingly interested in aligning their portfolios with their values. They want to support businesses that are socially responsible and environmentally sustainable.

  • Global Challenges: Urgent issues such as climate change, inequality, and access to healthcare are driving interest in finding innovative solutions. Impact investing offers a way for individuals and institutions to be part of these solutions while still pursuing financial returns.

  • Institutional Support: Large institutions, including pension funds and endowments, are recognizing the long-term value of impact investing and are allocating more resources to this strategy.

  • Proven Success: As impact investing matures, there’s growing evidence that it can deliver competitive financial returns, debunking the myth that pursuing social or environmental goals comes at the expense of profits.

In summary, impact investing represents a shift in the way investors think about the role of capital. By focusing on the triple bottom line of profit, people, and planet, impact investing provides a path for achieving both financial goals and meaningful social change. As the movement continues to grow, it offers a promising approach for addressing the world’s most pressing challenges through the power of investment.