Power to the people
Unlocking access to coveted opportunities in real estate, private equity, and alternative categories.
Custom recommendations powered by AI
Our algorithm shortlists the most promising deals on the market, so all you see is the best of the best.
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Why choose alternatives?
Diversify in a new direction
Historically, this “hidden” market has only been available to the ultra-wealthy or massive institutions - and they know exactly how to build wealth.
Maximize your returns
Real estate and other alternative asset classes are packaged in a way that reduces investor risk while squeezing out as much ROI as possible.
Technological Innovation
Transform your investment approach with our AI-driven platform, which replaces traditional tools like spreadsheets, PDFs, and expensive third-party vendors. Our end-to-end, API-powered software offers a seamless, fully integrated experience.
Get started for less
Buyproperly's fractional ownership structure means you can invest as little as $500 to own a “piece” of a project, making you a de facto shareholder.
Let AI do the heavy lifting
Our algorithm helps us source the strongest deals on the market while sending you vetted recommendations that match your investing goals.
Sell your shares anytime
Our secondary marketplace makes it easy to put your shares up for sale whenever you need to liquidate or reallocate funds.
Start browsing
We seek out high-yield properties in promising regions, plus other investment alternatives that have been vetted for exceptional potential.