
What is Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)?

Retirement planning identifies retirement income objectives as well as the actions and decisions required to meet those objectives. Identifying sources of income, estimating expenses, putting in place a savings plan, and managing assets and risk are all part of retirement planning. To determine whether the retirement income objective will be met, future cash flows are projected. Some retirement plans differ depending on whether you live in the United States or Canada, which has its own system of employer-sponsored retirement plans.

Retirement planning should ideally be a life-long effort. You can begin at any moment, but it is most effective if you incorporate it into your financial planning from the start. That is the most effective strategy to ensure a safe, secure, and enjoyable retirement. The fun aspect is why it’s important to pay attention to the serious (and maybe boring) phase of the process: figuring out how you’ll get there.

Let’s take a look at Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) Retirement Plan: 

A tax-free savings account is a very flexible tax-advantaged account that can be used to put money aside for the future. Consider it more than a high-interest savings account for an emergency fund, as its name suggests. Anyone over the age of 18 with a valid social insurance number (SIN) can invest in stocks, bonds, ETFs, and other investments through their TFSA. TFSA donations, unlike RRSP contributions, are made after-tax dollars and are not tax deductible.

The TFSA contribution room limit, determined by the Government of Canada each year, determines how much you can contribute. Any investment income produced or increases in the account’s investment value are tax-free, even when withdrawn, and withdrawals can be made at any time. In 2022, you’ll have $81,500 in contribution room if you’ve never contributed to a TFSA. Keep note of your contribution room limits in your CRA’s My Account, as any over contributions will be taxed at 1% per month.

Stages of Retirement Planning

The following are some tips for successful retirement planning at various phases of life.

Young Adulthood (Ages 21–35)

Those just starting out in adulthood may not have a lot of money to invest, but they do have time to let their investments mature, which is an important part of retirement planning. This is due to the principle of compound interest.

Compound interest means that interest earns interest, and the longer you have, the more interest you’ll earn. Because of compounding, even if you can just put aside $50 each month, it will be worth three times more if you start investing at age 25 than if you wait until age 45. You may be able to invest more money in the future, but you can never make up for lost time.

Early Midlife (Ages 36–50)

Mortgages, student debts, insurance premiums, and credit card debt are all common financial stresses in early middle age. At this stage of retirement planning, though, it’s vital to keep saving. These are some of the finest years for aggressive saving since you can earn more money while still having time to invest and earn interest.

Later Midlife (Ages 50–65)

Your investing accounts should grow more conservative as you get older. While time is running out to save for folks who are nearing retirement, there are a few advantages. Higher salary, as well as the possibility of having some of the aforementioned expenses (mortgages, school loans, credit card debt, and so on) paid off by this time, can provide you more money to invest.

It’s also never too late to open and fund a 401(k) or an IRA. Catch-up contributions are one of the advantages of this stage of retirement preparation. In 2021 and 2022, you can contribute an additional $1,000 per year to your regular or Roth IRA and $6,500 per year to your 401(k) starting at age 50.

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