Find here all the terms you need to know in order to understand A.B.C of investment.

Approved LenderAssetsAppreciation
Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)Appreciation – housing price appreciation, capital appreciationBad Credit
Compound InterestCapital Gain or Loss TaxCash Flow
Conditional OfferClosed-end MortgageClosing Costs
Current assetsConventional MortgageCompound Interest
Credit BureauCollateralCredit History or Credit Report
Curb AppealContributed CapitalDebt & Equity
DividendDiversificationDown Payment
DeedDepreciationEarnest Money
Fixed assetsFreeholdGross profit margin (Gross Rental Yield)
HOA FeesHome Price IndexHigh-Ratio Loan
Mortgage ApprovalMortgage down paymentNet profit (net income)
Operating CostsOpen End MortgagePrincipal Paydown
Property taxes & ratesPredictive analysisReal Estate Risk
Risk & Risk AnalysisReserve FundReal Estate Agent (or “Realtor”)
Term LoanNet Worth12 Steps of a Real Estate Closing

Best Retirement Plans in Canada

Best Retirement plans in CanadaRegistered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) – Best Retirement plans in Canada 1Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) – Best Retirement plans in Canada 2
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) – Best Retirement plans in Canada 3Old Age Security (OAS) Best Retirement plans in Canada – 4Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) – Best Retirement plans in Canada 5

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