What is Private Credit? 

Private credit, also known as direct lending, is a form of debt financing provided by non-bank institutions. It encompasses various forms of private debt, including small business loans, consumer loans, and venture debt.

Unlike traditional bank loans or corporate bonds traded on public exchanges, private credit involves loans negotiated directly between the lender and the borrower. These loans are typically tailored to the specific needs of the borrower. 

Historically, private credit has been the exclusive domain of high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors. However, the landscape is evolving, with a growing trend towards democratizing access to this asset class for retail investors. This trend is fueled by the increasing demand for yield in a low-interest-rate environment and the recognition of the potential benefits of private credit.

Types of Private Credit: 

The private credit market offers a variety of lending options catering to different borrower needs and risk tolerances. Let's delve into some common types:

Senior Secured Loans: 

Imagine these as the gold standard of private credit. They offer the lender the highest level of security (priority) because they are repaid first if the borrower defaults on the loan. Think of it like having a first mortgage on a house – if the homeowner can't make payments, you get your money back before other lenders. These loans are typically issued to companies with strong financial track records, making them a good option for investors seeking stability.

Mezzanine Debt: 

This occupies a middle ground in the company's capital structure. It sits behind senior secured loans, but ranks ahead of common equity (ownership shares) in case of liquidation. Essentially, you're taking a slightly bigger risk than senior lenders but in exchange, you could potentially receive a higher interest rate. Mezzanine debt can also include features like warrants, which give you the right to buy stock in the company at a future date, offering the potential for additional gains if the company performs well.

Distressed Debt: 

As the name suggests, this involves investing in loans to companies experiencing financial difficulties. These can be high-risk, high-reward scenarios. There's a chance you could get a much bigger return on your investment if the company turns things around. However, there's also a significant risk of default (not getting your money back). This option is best suited for investors comfortable with a higher degree of risk and potentially longer investment horizons, as turnarounds can take time.

Specialty Finance: 

This caters to specific asset classes, focusing on providing loans for things like real estate projects or infrastructure developments.  For example, a specialty finance lender might provide financing for the construction of a new wind farm. These loans can be attractive because they are often backed by the value of the underlying asset (the wind farm in this case).

Ways to Invest in Private Credit in Canada 

The Canadian investment landscape offers several avenues for retail investors to participate in private credit. Here's a breakdown of some popular options:

Financial Institutions: Major Canadian banks like CIBC, RBC, and Scotiabank are increasingly offering private credit investment products. These can be in the form of managed funds or direct investment opportunities. Research individual institutions for their specific offerings and eligibility requirements.

Alternative Investment Firms: Several independent investment firms in Canada specialize in private credit. These firms offer a wider range of private credit investment strategies, catering to different risk profiles. Conduct thorough research on the firm's track record, investment philosophy, and fees before investing.

Online Investment Platforms: A growing number of online platforms in Canada are providing access to private credit investments. These platforms typically focus on offering lower minimum investment amounts compared to traditional options. Carefully evaluate the platform's reputation, fees, and the specific private credit opportunities available before investing.

Explore the possibilities of private credit to Buy Properly today!

  • Invest with confidence: Our platform offers a curated selection of high-quality private credit deals, vetted by our advanced AI model.

  • Low minimum investment: Start investing with just $2,500.

  • Earn consistent income: Generate income streams potentially exceeding traditional fixed-income options.

  • Diversify your portfolio and target attractive returns with private credit to Buy Properly.

Disclaimer: We cannot recommend specific investment products or services. Please do your research before investing in any private credit offering.

Read about Private Credit Investment Guide